Dean Ambrose waits in the ring. Out next opponent Stardust with the Intercontinental Title belt around his waist. R-Truth is still on commentary.
The bell rings and the match starts. Ambrose drops Stardust for a quick pin attempt. Ambrose counters with a knee to the gut and then with a kick. Ambrose runs Stardust’s face along the top rope. Stardust tries to fights back again but Ambrose slaps him. Ambrose imparts Stardust out of the ring and then Ambrose with a dive. Ambrose sends Stardust to the ring but Stardust takes him off on the apron. Stardust strap the leg on the apron and kicks Ambrose back to the floor.
Ambrose is making a comeback. Ambrose rush over Stardust with forearms and then with a effortless bulldog. Ambrose took the win by blasting him with the Dirty Deeds Finisher.
Winner: Dean Ambrose
Ambrose took the IC Title belt and holds it up but BNB attacks Ambrose from abaft. Next here is Daniel Brayan who gets involved in fight followed by Luke Harper, Dolph Ziggler to a pop. R-Truth with his potato sack and puts the title belt into it. Ambrose throws Bryan. Stardust huddles out Ambrose but he Star is taken down by Superkick initiated by Ziggler. Ziggler is bided down by Harper with a Clothesline. On consecutive terms Bryan hits down his knee to Harper but Daniel Bryan is taken down by BNB with a bullhammer. Truth runs off to the stage with something clutched tight. Barrett pulls the belt out of his bag and but it’s a replica. Truth pulls the real title out of a sack on the stage and poses with it.
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